10 Day Challenge-Post 7

2251 visitors
52 posts
Thanks a lot to all the wonderful people who visit this place….share their views and keep me motivated…..love you allJ
A special thanks to Preeti, Jack uncle and Gopikaa…..without you I couldn’t have reached so far.
Here we go with the next post…Four Books. It’s very difficult for me to choose four books, because I love reading.
Here are my favourites….the ones I love the most….the ones who have inspired me a lot!!!!!!!
  1. The Story of My Experiments with Truth an autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_My_Experiments_with_Truth). It’s my all time favorite. There are many things which one can learn from his life.
  1. Shyamchi Aai an autobiography of Sane Guruji…a noted Marathi author and social activist. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shyamchi_Aai). I read this book when I was in 8th std. I simply loved the way in which Guruji had portrayed a mother-child relationship. I strongly feel that the purest form of love is what exists between a mother and her children.
  1. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It’s an amazing book…which I suggest that everyone must read. We are never thought how to think….how to watch our thought…and this book is a perfect guide to unleash the power inside you.
  1. Life is What you Make it by Preeti Shenoy. I read this book recently….but the impact that this book does on you…can’t be described in words. You can read more about the book Here.
Do let me know the books that have influenced, motivated and inspired you. If I’ve not read them…then surely the next month salary is for themJ

6 thoughts on “10 Day Challenge-Post 7

  1. Gayu,

    Here I am. Read all pending posts. You are an avid reader. The poem on daughter was wonderful. May God bless her and let her make you proud by not following crowd but her heart. I am looking forward to your book on relationship and also will contribute towards that NGO in whatever way I can. I will not say anything on Mumbai blasts as it saddens me to no limit. I have already said many a times in my views on such posts by many that it is WE, the people, who have to join as ONE without any thoughts of religion or region to fight this menace. WE, the people, also need to join hands to wake up our respected leaders to come out of their petty minded attitudes and do something for the nation instead of their pockets.

    Take care

  2. Hello uncle…it's been long time…how are u??
    //WE, the people, who have to join as ONE without any thoughts of religion or region to fight this menace. // I totally agree with this.

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