Refreshing “TEA” and a yummy “piece of CAKE”

I believe that those who have made it big today… have had their share of struggles. The only difference is they persistently worked towards their goal. They have enormous faith in their capabilities…and the willpower to accept that some things won’t change.

Yes…I am talking about Preeti Shenoy, a wife, mother, blogger, artist, writer …and above all a humble person. I can imagine how difficult it could be for her at times…for she would have to sacrifice so many pleasures. Her writing continues to amaze me….and each time she has a surprise in store for us…be it 34 Bubblegums and Candies or Life is what you make it….and now the latest one Tea for two and a piece of cake.

The first thing one would notice is the Title, second the vibrant front cover and the last but not the least the unusual love story.

I am a diehard fan of love stories…and was eagerly waiting for the parcel from flipkart.

The day I received my author signed copy, I was in second shift and I reached home at 12AM. As soon as I entered my room, I saw the courier on my study table. It was a Kodak moment…I quickly freshened up, took the courier and sat on the couch in our living room. I held the book in my hand…and stared at the front cover… the pillow…the cups…and finally opened to read it.

This is the story of Nisha, who has it all, a perfect marriage, two cute children, a big house, no financial burdens and a life which every other girl will desire. But there are some things in life which we cannot predict….and things sometimes turn in such a way…that you are left helpless. This is what happens in Nisha’s life, when her husband leaves her for another girl.

Preeti’s writing is so captivating that I couldn’t keep the book down…!!! Will Nisha fight back, how does she fight back, her everyday struggles, questions from her daughter…huh…all this is dealt in a very delicate way.

What I like most about Preeti’s books is that she always has a message to convey. Life is what you make it dealt with Bipolar disorder…an unusual topic and this book deals with the thin threads of relationships, how something’s are taken for granted as a relation grows…and how some friendships turn out to be sour.

And the best part is the end….that’s where the surprise element lies….so what are you guys waiting for…go grab a copy….and refresh yourself….with this amazing cup of Tea….and yummy Cake.

“Never value those who do not value who you are. You owe that much to yourself.”- Preeti Shenoy, Tea for two and a piece of cake.

The line which I loved the most…..yes we owe that much to ourselves…because God didn’t create us to be a doormat to others. Don’t lose heart….just because someone rejected you…or someone abandoned you…have faith in yourself….and surround yourself with people who like you, who support you….and who deserve you.

For me it is a 10/10…as I believe that writing a book is not an easy task. All the best Preeti…!!!!

3 thoughts on “Refreshing “TEA” and a yummy “piece of CAKE”

  1. Gayu,

    Read 2 posts. I will support you fully when you start that NGO. I am all for it. Thanks for sharing information about good books. She writes well, there is no doubt about it.

    Take care

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