
was introduced to the world of texting when I was 20. My sister gifted me the
most precious, Nokia 3310 mobile and it was super fun to Text. Initially, I
loved texting and I would anxiously wait for the reply too, but then with time,
I started losing interest in it.  The
main reason for this was the forward messages, which didn’t have anything special
for me. The message inbox of my basic phone had a limit and I had to keep
deleting the forward messages. Trust me it was a pain.

love to talk, face-to-face, be it strangers or loved ones or friends; I make
sure that they are completely entertained in my presence. I love travelling,
reading, photography, cooking, eating, making handmade stuff and much more, so
I can easily bring up a topic which interests the other person. While talking,
I can calibrate the response of the other person and that’s what makes the
conversation even more interesting. However, in the text world, I type out a
long message and the reply that comes these days is just a, ‘K’. Now isn’t that

am not a big fan of WhatsApp, G-talk or FB messenger. Given an option, I would
call and speak for hours, but then I guess everybody is so busy that all they
do is chat on WhatApp or FB. I’ve observerd that people keep chatting during meetings, conference
calls and also while crossing roads. I’ve also seen parents busy chatting,
while their children keep craving for their attention.

miss those old days, when we friends would fix up a time for calling each
other. It was fun and yes we spoke almost every day, but now, it’s just a
forward message, isn’t it?

PS: This post is written for the Project 365 program at
We Post Daily aimed at posting at least once a day, based on the prompts
provided. The Open-prompt for today was ‘It’s a Text Text World!’.

2 thoughts on “Beep-Beep

  1. Texting is a convenient mode to convey a short message without disturbing the other person but I prefer to dial the number and talk to live voices. Better still I would love to meet a person and talk , laugh and watch all the facial emotions.
    Kya karen? keep up up the new ways of the world.

  2. So very true, the ubiquitous SMS and Whatsapp and FB Messenger have taken the place of those long inland letters, trunk calls and STD calls that our childhood and teenage years were made of.

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